Double exhibition of Ho Qingyuan & Poon KanChi successfully opened at the HOPOFID Gallery
Ho Qingyuan & Poon KanChi 's double solo exhibition was successfully opened at the HOPOFID Gallery on May 6, 2018. This exhibition has exhibited more than 20 artworks of two artists which made in recent years. Both artists have their own characteristics, but ,they are also practitioners of the integration and collision of Chinese and Western cultures.
Ho Qingyuan is mainly committed to the re-expression of Chinese traditional culture in the context of contemporary culture. Explores the growth and apoptosis of all things through artistic exploration of the secretive emotional zone deep inside people. Art is his dojo , tells everything quietly …
Poon KanChi seeks a safe haven for the soul through art. Looking at her artworks, you will find that innocence and childlikeness are vividly on paper, and joy and sorrow are parallel. In the meantime, the mixture and collision of cultures are obviously shown in her works.
All are welcome to visit.
Exhibition Duration: 2018.05.06——2018.05.16
Opening: 6th May 2018, 16:00
Hopofid Gallery
Location: D203, Area B, Daxing Art District, Songzhuang Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing
Video of exhibition:
Exhibition photos:

Artist Ho Qingyuan and his artwork

Artist Poon Kan Chi and her artwork

17-03-003 何慶源 布面油畫
17-03-003 , Ho Qingyuan , Oil on canvas , 100×80cm , 2017
熟悉印象的缺席 210 x 145 cm 丙烯棉布 潘柬芝 2014 Impression of familiar absent 210 x 145 cm Acrylic on cloth Poon Kan Chi 2014
宇宙之中02_ 纸本設色_潘柬芝 Lie on the universe02_ 96x178cm_2016_ ink on paper PoonKanChi
花開04_纸本設色_50x50cm_2016_潘柬芝 flower04_InkOnPaper_50x50cm_2016_PoonKanChi
女森林 girl forest 120x120cm ink on paper 2017
鳥013_纸本設色_120x120m_2016_潘柬芝 framed in 2017 Bird013_InkOnPaper_2016_PoonKanChi